Horror in the Streets

By: Alexandra Kinias —- Reading about the sexual harassment incidents that women are confronting in Egypt on a daily basis evokes flashes of memories of a time where I, too, was a victim of this abhorrent crime. Sexual harassment was an epidemic that had spread across the country like uncontrollable wild forest fires. And as far back as my memory recalls, it was an endless endeavor that every woman in Egypt was subjected to on daily basis as they traveled the unsafe and unguarded streets, infested with male rabid species that are bred to attack. These male species are only … Continue reading Horror in the Streets

Why sexual harassment?

By: Alexandra Kinias October 21, 2008 was a victorious day not only for 27 years old filmmaker Noha Ostaz , but for all Egyptian women. For the first time in the history of the country’s judiciary system, the man who had sexually harassed Noha a year earlier, as she walked down a street, was sentenced to three years in prison with hard labor; a verdict that came as a surprise even to the lawyers. Sexual harassment has become an epidemic that is spreading like terminal cancer into the society. An earlier incident of a notorious mass sexual harassment that rocked … Continue reading Why sexual harassment?