Horror in the Streets

By: Alexandra Kinias —- Reading about the sexual harassment incidents that women are confronting in Egypt on a daily basis evokes flashes of memories of a time where I, too, was a victim of this abhorrent crime. Sexual harassment was an epidemic that had spread across the country like uncontrollable wild forest fires. And as far back as my memory recalls, it was an endless endeavor that every woman in Egypt was subjected to on daily basis as they traveled the unsafe and unguarded streets, infested with male rabid species that are bred to attack. These male species are only … Continue reading Horror in the Streets

Lara Logan, I feel for you

Lara Logan reporting from Cairo By: Alexandra Kinias As the crowds in Tahrir Square jubilated the news of Hosny Mubarak’s stepping down, ending his thirty years of dictatorship in Egypt, CBS foreign correspondent Lara Logan was surrounded by a frenzy mob, separated from her film crew and sexually assaulted and brutally beaten. As much as I was disgusted to hear the news of Logan’s attack, I was not surprised, but rather deeply saddened.  What Logan had witnessed was not a random incident, but in fact a living nightmare every Egyptian woman suffers from.  The tragic attack on Logan which is … Continue reading Lara Logan, I feel for you

Women Around the World: A Year In Review.

By: Alexandra Kinias Even though it has been a very tough year for women in many countries around the world, there are still no indications, however, that this past year was any different than the previous ones. Women’s rights were as violated as ever, they were bullied, oppressed, controlled and punished under the banner of their culture, traditions, tribal laws and religious scripts that encourage violence, abuse and even persecution.  The quest for material about women’s issues on-line took me on an emotional journey around the globe.  The expedition was filled with an abundance of painful stories about the disgraceful … Continue reading Women Around the World: A Year In Review.